Bahasa Melayu vs Bahasa Malaysia
What's in a name? Probably a lot for the Overseas Umno Club Alumni. They recently stated that they will send a resolution to UMNO supreme council to revert to Bahasa Melayu as the name for the national language. I can imagine these guys sitting at a round table figuring out resolutions to be sent to UMNO. Of all the innovative and nation-building ideas, is this the best they could come up with?? I do not know about their other resolutions, but only this made the papers. So, you can only imagine the quality of the other suggestions that didn't make the headlines.
What is so wrong with "Bahasa Malaysia"? How can they prefer "Melayu" to "Malaysia"? By calling it Bahasa Melayu, do they have the feeling of being on a higher pedestal as "the other people" are speaking THEIR language? Their argument is you should call a spade, a spade. They say the Americans call their national language English, and not the American language. Why look so far to the Americans? Just see your neighbors Indonesia. They call their national language Bahasa Indonesia. I would say that the Indonesians have more reason to call it Bahasa Melayu, as the language originated in Riau, Indonesia.
Kudos to Information Minister, Zainuddin Maidin, for putting this idiotic resolution to rest. To quote The Star (Nov 6, 2007), "from the psychological aspect, the use of the term Bahasa Malaysia was a more friendly and effective approach in the effort to unite Malaysians. Our Father of Independence Tunku Abdul Rahman felt that Bahasa Malaysia should be used as it creates a sense of belonging among the multi-racial community and makes them feel that it is their language".
In short, the reason to name it Bahasa Malaysia was for uniting the Malaysian people as we attempt to create a Bangsa Malaysia. I urge the Overseas Umno Alumni Club and other organizations like these to come up with policies that would integrate the Malaysian people and not divide them further. Please come down from your imaginary high pedestal, integrate with all of us and speak OUR language, Bahasa Malaysia.
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