Wednesday, November 07, 2007

UMNO's Damage Control Antics

After last year's "eye-opening" and "heart-burning" UMNO General Assembly, it is time to make amends this year since the General Election is around the corner.

The biggest mistake was to allow Astro to provide live telecast of the entire assembly proceedings last year. The live telecast provided insight to what may have been taking place in previous assemblies too. It exposed the expression of negative feelings of the Malays towards the non-Malays. Any Chinese/Indian-banging remark that comes out a delegate's mouth is followed by enthusiastic claps and cheers from the audience. The non-Malays were insulted, angry and shocked. Are these the true concealed feelings that the Malays have towards them? This year, UMNO decided to only telecast live through RTM the opening and closing speech by the party President. They are not taking chances with live-telecasts as they wanted to ensure that the "non-Malay banging sessions" are kept within closed doors. Malaysians, in general, have short memories and the non-Malays should have forgotten or cooled down by now. Why rekindle the dark memories of last year's assembly and lose votes and seats?

Hishamuddin Hussein Onn's fascination with the keris is quite hilarious. Last year, he implied that he would not hesitate to use the keris to protect the rights of his fellow Malays. Everyone knows that that was a political gimmick to look tough since the Pemudas are supposed to be the aggressive ones. He didn't want to look like a softie especially with new faces like Khairy breathing down his neck. And he joined the bandwagon to hit out, maybe indirectly, at the non-Malays, knowing very well that that will be a popular stand among the delegates. In the euphoria of the moment, he wanted nothing but the approval and applause of the audience. At the end of the assembly, he didn't back down from his remarks knowing very well that the non-Malays were disappointed with his "threat". His recent explanation on his keris-wielding antics last year was so well crafted. Hats off to him. He now says that he will use the keris to protect all Malaysians. You have to wonder why it took him a year to clear the air on this issue. This is nothing but damage control.

Another example of damage control to win the hearts of the non-Malays was the recent Wanita UMNO's announcement that they will be presenting gold medals to three non-Malay university students for academic excellence. When I first heard this, I was impressed. I really thought Wanita UMNO was heading in the right direction, i.e. recognising achievements irrespective of race or religion. However, when Rafidah Aziz said this year's assembly was special because it was the 50th year of independence, AND also because they will be facing a general election soon, I begin to question the sincerity of the gold medal presentation to the non-Malay students. Is this gesture another damage control antic by UMNO in preparing for the coming elections?

Good try but we will not forget.


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